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Form 3+

Trusted by tens of thousands of professionals around the world. Whether you need rugged performance parts or accurate details, the Form 3+ delivers.

Form 3+ offers industry-leading technology and support so you can spend less time troubleshooting and more time printing.

The Parts You Want, Every Time

Best-in-class printer reliability and accuracy means your parts come out right the first time.

We Help You Succeed From The Start

Get up and running right away with personalized onboarding remotely or onsite.

Service With A Human Touch

Expert service, whenever you need it. When required, we come to you for implementation, training, optimization, and repairs.
Physical Dimensions

Width         405mm
Depth         375mm
Height        530mm
Weight       17.5 Kg

Build Volume

Width           146 mm
Depth          145 mm
Height         185 mm

Advanced Materials for Industrial-Quality Parts
Bring your parts to life with our ever-expanding materials library, designed to deliver industrial-grade parts that are up to any challenge.
An Easier, More Efficient Workflow
Go from design to finished part in fewer steps than ever with the streamlined, end-to-end Form 3+ ecosystem.
Hassle-Free Materials Management
Seamlessly switch between a wide range of materials in seconds with our spill-free, swappable cartridge system.
Intuitive Software
Prepare parts in PreForm with just a few clicks and manage printers, consumables, and teams through your online Dashboard.
Powerful Automation Tools
Minimize cost per part and unlock 24/7 production with the Formlabs Automation Ecosystem.